
Product Name :Easy Plaster 120, Elephant Brand, for plastering joints
Detail :

Easy Plaster 120 Elephant Brand, Joint Plaster

Easy Plaster 120 Elephant Brand (Joint Plaster) is used for plastering joints of gypsum board, filling screw head marks and plastering the surface of gypsum board to be smooth and uniform.

Fine cement texture, easy to mix with water, smooth plastering, light weight, slow-drying formula, can work longer, the cement has high adhesion after drying, smooth and fine surface, easy to sand and decorate.

Special properties

High quality cement, smooth ceiling, no cracks
Fine cement texture, easy to mix, mixes well with water
Soft cement, smooth plastering, light weight
High adhesion, easy to sand, no cracks
Slow-drying formula, can work longer
Technical information:
Working time: 90 minutes
Drying time: 120 minutes
Mixing ratio: cement: water: 2:1 by weight
Amount of use: 50-60 sq.m. of gypsum board
Storage period: 6 months
Area and usage:
Used for plastering joints of gypsum board Plastering screw heads and plastering the surface of gypsum board for final finishing for interior ceiling and wall work
Packed in 25 kg bags
