
Product Name :SCG insulation, STAY COOL model, thickness 150 mm. (6 inches), premium
Price : 217.00
Detail :

SCG STAY COOL insulation, 150 mm thick (6 inches), premium

Product code: 8852424222115
Size: 600x4000 mm
Weight: 2 kg
C-CO Extra insulation is made from fiberglass and is designed for installation above the ceiling, both smooth plaster and T-bar types, to prevent heat coming from the roof cavity. Through the ceiling into the house

- Total heat resistance of the roof system Rt 21.0

- Wrapped around with reinforced aluminum foil

- C-CO insulation 1 roll (size 0.60x4.00 meters) can be installed 2.40 square meters

- Packed 1 roll/pack

• The insulation is wrapped around with reinforced aluminum foil, making it more durable

• More convenient because it is designed to be installed in both existing and newly built houses

• Safe for health and environmentally friendly

- Certified by the group of experts in health and safety of fiber materials from the International Institute for Cancer Research of the World Health Organization that it is not a carcinogen to humans

- Made from 100% recycled glass and produced with a process that has the least impact on the environment

• Long service life of more than 10 years

• Tested as a non-flammable material according to ASTM E84, BS476 standards

2 kg.

