
Product Name :SCG insulation, COOL WALL model, 65 mm., premium, size 0.60x1.20 m.
Price : 800.00
Detail :

SCG COOL WALL 65 mm. Premium insulation, size 0.60x1.20 m.

Product code: 8852424144233
Size: 600x1200 mm.
SCG Cool Wall T65 insulation is designed specifically to prevent heat from entering the wall.

-Total heat resistance of the wall system Rt 12.0

-Covered with metallized film on all sides

• More convenient because it is designed to be installed in both existing and newly built houses

• Safe for health and environmentally friendly

-Green insulation material has been certified by a group of experts in health and safety of fiber materials from the International Institute for Cancer Research of the World Health Organization that it is not carcinogenic to humans.

-Made from 100% recycled glass and produced with a process that has the least impact on the environment

• Contains HydroProtecTM, ​​which reduces water retention by up to 10 times, does not absorb water, and can also prevent moisture. Make the insulation material last longer


TIS 486-2527
