Low Carbon Concrete CPAC
Low Carbon Concrete CPAC is a group of concrete products that are designed with the concept of reducing greenhouse gas (CO2) emissions from..
1. Use SCG Low Carbon Structural Cement according to TIS 2594-2556 to replace the use of Portland cement Type 1 in concrete.
2. Use fly ash to replace the use of SCG Low Carbon Structural Cement in concrete.
Including the use of various technologies that have been researched and developed to maintain the quality of this group of concrete products to have comparable or better properties than before and to reduce greenhouse gas (CO2) emissions, being environmentally friendly in a sustainable manner.
How is it good for you?
Helps make construction work strong from quality concrete, produced from SCG Low Carbon Structural Cement that has been certified by the industrial standard (TIS) 2594-2556.
Concrete can be designed according to the compressive strength to be suitable for various types of construction work, whether it is floor work, columns, beams or structures that require durability.
Solid concrete, smooth surface, resistant to abrasion and peeling with highly reactive ingredients researched by experts
Low-carbon concrete helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions released in the production process by up to 25 kilograms/cubic meter (cubic meter) or equivalent to using 1 cubic meter of concrete, equivalent to planting 2.5 trees
How is it good for the world?
1. How much carbon does Low Carbon Concrete reduce?
It reduces by at least 5% when compared to changing from using Portland cement Type 1 (OPC) to SCG Low Carbon Structural Concrete in the concrete mixture.
2. What is the difference between Low Carbon Concrete and Green Choice?
Low Carbon Concrete is the name of the concrete product group of CPAC.
SCG Green Choice is an environmental label that concrete products in the Low Carbon Concrete Series are certified as environmentally friendly and earth-friendly products (reduce CO2 emissions).
3. Can it be used to apply for green buildings (LEED/TREES)?
It can be used as a product that increases points in applying for green buildings at various levels.
4. Do each product reduce carbon equally?
The reduction is not equal because each type of concrete product has a mix design using different raw materials such as cement, fly ash (PFA), stone, sand, water and admixtures. The calculation of CO2 of the product will take the CO2 Emission value of each raw material and calculate it according to the actual amount used.