Beautiful and juicy, minimalist style, SCG synthetic wood

Beautiful and juicy, minimalist style, SCG synthetic wood

SCG synthetic wood, beautiful and juicy, minimalist style Synthetic wood

Add charm to your minimalist style home with SCG synthetic wood ????
Meet all your home decorating needs with a simple and luxurious design, durable, easy to maintain ????
Decorate your home in your favorite style (can be used both inside and outside)

Minimal Style is homey, creating a warm, comfortable, relaxing atmosphere. Simple decoration, using few pieces of furniture, but can be used in many ways, neat, clean, choosing light colors and natural patterns, suitable for SCG siding, Minimal Beach color, beautifully harmonious, giving a minimalist, simple, perfect look

☞ SCG siding, Special Plus model, Minimal Beach color

☞ SCG slats, Rustic model, grained surface, Cozy Beach color

☞ SCG eaves, Cement color

☞ SCG flooring, T-Clip Shield model, Cozy Beach color

SCG synthetic wood, build and improve your home, house and building in a minimalist style

✅ Lock beautiful and durable color with Color Loc Plus technology

✅ Naturally beautiful With the color and grain of real wood

✅ Anti-mold, algae, your house always looks new

✅ Strong, durable, resistant to all weather conditions

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